Sunday, December 12, 2010

Jesse Tree: 3rd Sunday- David, a Shepherd for the People

3rd Sunday of Advent
David, a Shepherd for the People

Image credit: Carolyn Pikoulas and the Diocese of Erie
Today we place the image of the shepherd's crook on the Jesse Tree. We remember David, from whose line Jesus is descended. David's father, Jesse, and his family were shepherds. David was the youngest and a skilled harper. In today's scripture, we see Samuel's anointing of David, as well as the entrance of David into King Saul's court as a harper.

Today's Jesse Tree readings are filled with the scriptural imagery of shepherds that permeates both the history and the life of Christ. We again see a call to leadership beginning with the Spirit, and an anointing. These themes appear over and over again in the Bible. We see in them our call to love and lead, and to be caretakers while at the same time being cared for.

Today think about people who you care for or "shepherd". Pray for the wisdom to guide and love them as Jesus would.

Today's Focus: David a Shepherd for the People
Symbol: The shepherd's crook (alternative image is the harp)
Scripture: 1 Sam 16:1-23-17:58, 2 Sam 5:1-5, 7:1-17

Yesterday's Focus: Samuel, the Beginning of the Kingdom
Tomorrow's Focus: Elijah, Threat of False Gods

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for having these symbols they were great for my jesse tree at my house :)
