Sunday, December 5, 2010

Jesse Tree: 2nd Sunday- Joseph

2nd Sunday of Advent

Image credit: Carolyn Pikoulas and the Diocese of Erie
Today's focus is Joseph and God's Providence. There are two appropriate symbols, the sack of grain, or the multicolored coat.

Joseph was gifted with visions and the ability to interpret the dreams of others. He remained steadfast to the will of God, choosing to do the right thing, even when it was difficult. Time and time again those closest to Joseph are jealous of him, and cause him harm when he will not turn away from the right path. His brothers beat him and sell him into slavery, then his master's wife lies and accuses him of seducing her when he rejects her advances. Both times God makes sure that good comes from Joseph's suffering, and that Joseph's side of the story comes to light.

The story of Joseph inspires us to faithfulness, even when everything seems to be working against us. God will provide, and He can make beauty and good out of even the worst situations if we remain faithful and allow Him to work through us.

Today, call to mind your most frustrating or painful situation. Look for the goodness that has or still might grow from it. How have you grown? What opportunities do you have in this situation? How can you remain positive and focused on God in light of this struggle?

Today's Focus: Joseph
Symbol: Sack of grain, or the Coat of many colors
Scripture: Genesis 37, 39:1-50

Yesterday's Focus: Jacob
Tomorrow's Focus: Moses and God's leadership

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