Monday, December 13, 2010

Jesse Tree: 3rd Monday- Elijah, Threat of False Gods

Third Monday of Advent
Elijah, Threat of False Gods

Image credit: Carolyn Pikoulas and the Diocese of Erie
Today we remember the prophet Elijah as we put the image of the stone altar on the Jesse Tree. Elijah's mission was to challenge the Israelites through words and signs.

The people had fallen to worshiping Baal and would not repent. Elijah brought them word from God that no rain would fall and their would be a great drought. The queen was furious and Elijah had to go into hiding. God provided food and water for him, as well as for the widow who eventually sheltered him.

Later we see a test between the prophets of Baal and Elijah. Whichever god  lit the fire would be the true god. While the prophets of Baal waited, Elijah taunted them. No fire appeared. When Elijah built his altar and prayed to the Lord, fire appeared and lit the offering. The people believed in the true God and rain returned to the land.

Today, think of a false idol in your life. This Advent season is gift giving or receiving becoming a false idol, distracting from the celebration of the birth of Jesus? Think of a step you can take to turn away from your idols and act on it.

Today's Focus: Elijah, Threat of False Gods
Symbol: Stone altar (alternative, the raven)
Scripture: 1 Kng 17:1-16, 18:17-46

Yesterday's Focus: David, a shepherd for the people
Tomorrow's Focus: Hezekiah, Faithfulness and deliverance

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