Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Jesse Tree: 3rd Tuesday- Hezekiah, Faithfulness and Deliverance

Third Tuesday of Advent
Hezekiah, Faithfulness and Deliverance

Image credit: Carolyn Pikoulas and the Diocese of Erie
Hezekiah was a king of Judah. He is noted in scripture for his faithfulness to God. We see in the story of Hezekiah the continuing covenant with the descendants of David. Hezekiah was a faithful leader who destroyed idolatry, conquered many areas surrounding Judah, and kept his people focused on the will of God.

When it looked like the Assyrian army was going to destroy Judah, Hezekiah turned to prayer. He asked all of the people to pray and fast, and he asked the prophet Isaiah to lead the people in their petitions. Hezekiah begged the Lord to defend them against the Assyrian assault, not to save his kingship, but rather so that all people would know the Lord is the true God. God answered Hezekiah's prayer, killing the Assyrians in their camp, and turning them away from their invasion.

Today, reflect on times when you have do the right thing for the wrong reasons. Have you let glory, your own ego, or some other attitude get in the way? Today, focus on doing right not to look good, but rather so that others may see the goodness of God through you.

Today's Focus: Hezekiah, Faithfulness and Deliverance
Symbol: Empty tent
Scripture: 2 Kng 18:1-19:19, 32-37

Yesterday's Focus: Elijah, Threat of False Gods
Tomorrow's Focus: Isaiah, The Call to Holiness

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