Monday, December 20, 2010

Jesse Tree: 4th Monday- Mary, Hope for the Future

Fourth Monday of Advent
Mary, Hope for the Future

Image credit: Carolyn Pikoulas and the Diocese of Erie
The white lily symbolizes Mary, mother of Jesus. As we near Christmas day in the this fourth week of Advent, we remember the immediate family of Jesus.

In today's scripture, we read of the Annunciation to Mary by the angel Gabriel. We recall Mary's, "yes" to God's call in a story of joy and expectancy. We see the coming of the Messiah who has been foretold and foreshadowed every step of the way in scripture up until this point. It is in this story that we realize that we are on the brink of the culmination of our Biblical story, a love story in which God sends into the world, through Mary, his only son. Mary's yes opens the door to joy and excitement as we realize that this is it, the savior is coming. Mary opened her heart to God's will, humbly accepting the great responsibility that He asked her to bear. Thanks to her acceptance, we are about to embark on the story of Jesus, the Messiah and redeemer.

Today, take a moment to quiet the stress and preparations for Christmas from your mind, and allow the joy and anticipation for the culmination of the Christmas story to fill your heart. Jesus is coming! Rejoice!

Today's Focus: Mary, Hope for the Future
Symbol: The white lily
Scripture: Luke 1:26-38

Yesterday's Focus: John the Baptist, Repentance
Tomorrow's Focus: Elizabeth, Joy

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