Saturday, December 18, 2010

Jesse Tree: 3rd Saturday-Nehemiah, Return & Rebuilding

Third Saturday of Advent
Nehemiah, Return and Rebuilding

Image credit: Carolyn Pikoulas and the Diocese of Erie
Today we place the image of the city wall on the Jesse Tree in remembrance of Nehemiah. The people of Judah had been dispersed in captivity until there was only a remnant left. Nehemiah prayed to God, asking Him to allow the people to be gathered together again, if they would return to follow Mosaic law. Nehemiah begged permission from the current king to rebuild the city of Jerusalem, and he gathered the people together to rebuild. With much prayer, faithfulness, and hard work (even in the face of enemies) the people of Judah succeeded in rebuilding the city. Once the walls were rebuilt, Nehemiah took steps to make sure that the people kept the sabbath holy, and followed the law of Moses so that they would remain faithful to their covenant with God.

Today, look for areas of your life, ministries you are in, or work you do that is struggling, or has fallen apart. How can you begin to bring your work in line with what God wants? Are there areas in your life that need to be brought back into faithfulness with God?

Today's Focus: Nehemiah, Return and Rebuilding
Symbol: City Wall

Yesterday's Focus: Habakkuk, Waiting
Tomorrow's Focus: John the Baptist, Repentance

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