Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Jesse Tree: 4th Wednesday- Zechariah, Anticipation

Fourth Wednesday of Advent
Zechariah, Anticipation

Image credit: Carolyn Pikoulas and the Diocese of Erie
Today we remember Zechariah, husband to Elizabeth and father of John the Baptist. The angel Gabriel appeared to Zechariah in his old age to announce that he was going to be a father. Zechariah did not believe the angel, and because of this was made unable to speak. When the baby was born, Elizabeth wanted to name him John as the angel had told her. The Jews have a tradition in which a baby can only be named after a relative, and since there was no one by that name in their family, the neighbors and relatives argued that she could not name the baby John. Zechariah wrote on a tablet, "His name is John." and was again able to speak.

Today's story is another that parallels the coming of the kingdom and the promises of God with the waiting and anticipation of pregnancy. As we saw with Abraham, and as we will see with Mary, God brings his gifts to his people in his own time, and against all odds. This joyful waiting for blessings mirrors the waiting for a baby, and we can reflect this in our own Advent waiting as well.

Today, think of blessings or opportunities that you are waiting for. Offer your time of waiting up to God in joyful prayer of anticipation. If the wait is long, pray for patience to wait for God's time.

Today's Focus: Zechariah, Anticipation
Symbol: Writing tablet
Scripture: Luke 1:57-80

Yesterday's Focus: Elizabeth, Joy
Tomorrow's Focus: Joseph, Trust

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