Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Jesse Tree: 1st Wednesday- Noah and the Flood

First Wednesday of Advent
Noah and the Flood

Image credit: Carolyn Pikoulas and the Diocese of Erie
The image of the ark is placed on the Jesse Tree today. We reflect on the story of Noah and the Ark, recalling the flood that destroyed the Earth, and the fresh start for all of creation that followed.

The story of the flood and the ark brings to mind the concept of stewardship for all living things. God commanded Noah to take two of every living thing into the ark and care for them during the flood. Noah and his family tended to all of the creatures and living things of the Earth, until they could be released back into the world when the waters dried up. Perhaps we can see in the story of Noah, a parallel of our responsibility to be faithful stewards of the Earth on our journey to the Kingdom.

Today, as we recall the Flood, think about water in all of its forms. Water brings life, but disasters such as floods and hurricanes also show the destructive power of water. Water cleanses and renews. It is a symbol of our baptism, and a foundation for life. Today, pray for those people and animals who do not have access to clean or adequate water.

Today's focus: Noah and the Flood
Symbol: The Ark
Scripture: Gen. 6-11, 7:17-8:12, 8:20-9:17

Yesterday's Focus: Adam and Eve, The First Sin
Tomorrow's Focus: Abraham, The Promise

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