Saturday, December 11, 2010

Jesse Tree: 2nd Saturday- Samuel, The Beginning of the Kingdom

2nd Saturday of Advent
Samuel, The Beginning of the Kingdom

Image credit: Carolyn Pikoulas and the Diocese of Erie
The crown on the Jesse Tree symbolizes the beginning of the line of kings of Israel.

Today's scripture readings begin with the call of Samuel. Samuel hears a voice calling him by name and mistakes it for the voice of Eli. Once he realizes that it is the Lord calling him, Samuel embarks on his ministry as the last of the Old Testament judges. We see Samuel call the Israelites back to the way of God once more. Again they have fallen away and again they are punished, this time by losing the ark of the covenant to the Philistines. After recovering the ark, the people under the guidance of Samuel turn back toward righteousness. They ask Samuel in his old age to find them a king to lead  and unite them. Samuel argues, believing that a king will become a tyrant, but he speaks to the Lord and  God tells him to find the people a king. Samuel finds Saul, from the tribe of Benjamin, and anoints him as king and leader of Israel.

Today, think of times when your own wants and ideas have seemed so important, you forgot to pray and ask the guidance of God. Take some time today to quiet your own desires and be open to the will of the Lord.

Today's Focus: Samuel and the Beginning of the Kingdom
Symbol: Crown
Scripture: 1 Sam 3:1-21, 7:1-8:22, 9:15-10:9

Yesterday's Focus: Gideon, Unlikely Heroes
Tomorrow's Focus: David, A shepherd for the people

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