Monday, December 6, 2010

Jesse Tree: 2nd Monday- Moses, God's Leadership

2nd Monday of Advent
Moses, God's Leadership

Image credit: Carolyn Pikoulas and the Diocese of Erie
The symbol of the burning bush is placed on the Jesse Tree today. The burning bush reminds us of the story of Moses' birth, youth, and call to leadership.

The story of Moses is probably one of the best known scriptural stories. Joseph and his brothers' descendants in Egypt have become slaves. Pharaoh  sentences all first born Hebrews to death, and Moses' mother saves him by placing him in a basket in the river where Pharaoh's daughter will find and raise him. After growing up in Egypt, Moses has a confrontation that ends in his murdering the other man. He flees to Midian and begins a new life.

One day as Moses is tending his father-in-law's sheep when God speaks to him from the burning bush. He calls Moses to return to Egypt and free his people. Moses does not want this task, and he tries desperately to change God's mind. God continues to call Moses to be a leader and free the Hebrew people. He gives Moses signs and help to begin his work.

Today, spend some time in silence. Quiet your heart and mind and be open to God's call. Where is God leading you at this time? Set aside your worries and fears. If God is calling, he will provide all you need to do His will. Moses is our best example of God not calling the qualified, but rather qualifying the called. Open your heart to hear and accept that call.

Today's Focus: Moses and God's Leadership
Symbol: The burning bush
Scripture: Exodus 2:1 through 4:20

Yesterday's Focus: Joseph
Tomorrow's Focus: The Israelites, Passover and Exodus

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