Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Jesse Tree: 4th Tuesday- Elizabeth, Joy

Fourth Tuesday of Advent
Elizabeth, Joy

Image credit: Carolyn Pikoulas and the Diocese of Erie
Today we place the image of mother and child on the Jesse tree as we remember Mary sharing her joyful news with her kinswoman, Elizabeth. In today's scripture we read the words we now say in the Hail Mary and the Magnificat as the two women sing their joy over their pregnancies. We feel a great sense of blessing in this short scripture. Both Mary and Elizabeth know that they are doing the will of God, and that their sons are special. They know that with the coming of these children, the world will never be the same. What happiness! What joy!

Today, remember your own mother. Imagine the joy she must have felt in knowing that you were about to enter the world. Imagine her nervous excitement. If you are a parent, recall your anticipation as you waited for your own child. Think about the amazing mystery that God chose to be manifest to the world in such a commonly extraordinary way.

Today's Focus: Elizabeth, Joy
Symbol: Mother and Child
Scripture:  Luke 1:39-56

Yesterday's Focus: Mary, Hope for the Future
Tomorrow's Focus: Zechariah, Anticipation

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