Thursday, December 16, 2010

Jesse Tree: 3rd Thursday- Jeremiah, The Exile

Third Thursday of Advent
Jeremiah, The Exile

Image credit: Carolyn Pikoulas and the Diocese of Erie
As we remember Jeremiah, tears are placed on the Jesse Tree. It fell to Jeremiah to tell the people of Israel and Judah that God was angry once again over their idol worship, and that God considered the covenant to be broken. The punishment for this was to be the attack on and captivity of the Israelites by Babylon.

Jeremiah was not a popular person when he spoke the word of God. He was beaten, imprisoned, taunted, and reviled. But Jeremiah stayed faithful to God, calling the people to repentance and understanding. God also remained faithful to Jeremiah. After the fall of Jerusalem, Jeremiah was freed from prison and kept safe from his enemies.

Today, pray for the strength and courage to speak the truth, even a personal cost. Think back on a time when you were too afraid to speak out, and ask God's forgiveness.

Today's Focus: Jeremiah, The exile
Symbol: tears
Scripture: Jer 1:4-10, 2:4-13, 7:1-15, 8:22 through 9:1-11

Yesterday's Focus: Isaiah, The Call to Holiness
Tomorrow's Focus: Habakkuk, Waiting

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