Sunday, December 19, 2010

Jesse Tree: 4th Sunday- John the Baptist, Repentance

Fourth Sunday of Advent
John the Baptist, Repentance

Image credit: Carolyn Pikoulas and the Diocese of Erie
Today we begin reading scriptures from the New Testament as we meditate on the Jesse Tree, and we place the shell as a symbol of the last prophet, John the Baptist. Today's scripture tells us of the birth and ministry of John as he prepared the people for the coming of Jesus.

We can see John as a prophet in the tradition of the other great prophets on our tree, Isaiah, Elijah, and Jeremiah, among others. John called the people to repentance, and he called them to service. Even as he baptized them in the Jordan, he rebuked the people and spurned them on to love the poor and act justly. We see John linking the prophets of the past with the message of love that Jesus brings.

We also read in these chapters the family lineage of Jesus, tracing back to Adam and Eve. We see in Luke 3:23-38 many of the names that we have remembered in our Advent journey. We are almost to Christmas, and we are nearing the time of Christ in our meditation.

Today, look for a time this week to receive the sacrament of reconciliation.

Today's Focus: John the Baptist, Repentance
Symbol: The shell
Scripture: Luke 1:57-80, 3:1-207:18-30

Yesterday's Focus: Nehemiah, Return & Rebuilding
Tomorrow's Focus: Mary, Hope for the Future

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