Friday, December 10, 2010

Jesse Tree: 2nd Friday- Gideon, Unlikely Heroes

2nd Friday of Advent
Gideon, Unlikely Heroes

Image credit: Carolyn Pikoulas and the Diocese of Erie
Today we place the symbol of the clay water pitcher on the Jesse Tree as a reminder of the Judge Gideon. Gideon's story is a less-known story than those already on the tree, but a very human and relatable one.

After the death of Joshua, Israel fell away from worshiping the Lord. How normal! Teachers and parents often good behavior from children and then it all falls apart when they leave the room. God was angered by Israel's idolatry and refused to help them overcome the surrounding nations any further. He withdrew His help. He sent judges to bring the people back around to true worship. The first of these was Gideon.

When God called Gideon, he did not believe (much like Moses) that he was qualified to speak with any authority and tell the Israelites how to live and pray. But God gave him signs and tools to lead the people back into the fold. How much are we like Gideon, waiting for some external reason to speak up for the truth? We often fear that we do not have the words, or that no one would listen to us, because what authority do we have? But one does not have to be rich, powerful, or even clever to speak out for rightness and justice. God dwells in every one of us and when we speak out for the poor, the oppressed, the hungry, that indwelling invests us with all the authority we need.

Today, think of all the unsung heroes and role models in your life. Say a prayer of thanksgiving to God for placing people in your life who lead you toward holiness.

Today's focus: Gideon, Unlikely Heroes
Symbol: Clay water pitcher
Scripture: Judges 2:6-23, 6-8

Yesterday's Focus: Joshua and the fall of Jericho
Tomorrow's Focus: Samuel, the beginning of the Kingdom

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