Saturday, December 4, 2010

Jesse Tree: 1st Saturday- Jacob

1st Saturday of Advent

Image credit: Carolyn Pikoulas and the Diocese of Erie
Today we place the symbol of Jacob's ladder onthe Jesse tree. This image reminds us of Jacob's vision of heaven and his relationship with God.

After usurping his brother's birthright, Jacob flees into Canaan to escape Esau's anger. He tricked his father and wronged his brother, and yet God did not abandon him. Jacob chooses to sleep at a shrine, and in a dream sees a ladder reaching up to Heaven, with angels ascending and descending. God reiterates the promise made to Abraham when he tells Jacob that he will be the father of a great nation. God tells Jacob that He will protect him always. Jacob wakes, amazed and says that if God truly protects him and provides for his needs until he returns to Isaac, he will worship God as the Lord.

Think about times that you have placed conditions on God, or times you have attempted to bribe God with good deeds or changes if He will just do as you ask. Recall also times you have placed conditions on your love for your family and friends. Remember that true love and faith do not come with strings attached. Recommit to selfless love of God and others.

Today's Focus: Jacob
Symbol: Ladder
Scripture: Genesis 27:41-28:22 

Yesterday's Focus: Isaac and the Offering
Tomorrow's Focus: Joseph

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