Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Jesse Tree: 2nd Tuesday- Israelites, Passover and Exodus

2nd Tuesday of Advent
Israelites, Passover and Exodus

Image credit: Carolyn Pikoulas and the Diocese of Erie
Today we remember the Passover and Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt as we put the paschal lamb symbol on the Jesse Tree. The Israelites in Egypt were delivered out of slavery by God's signs and power. Moses spoke on behalf of God to Pharaoh to free his people. He was the conduit for the plagues that God sent to the Egyptians as they held the Israelites captive. The blood of the lamb was the sign for the Angel of death to pass over the homes of the faithful. This final sign, the slaying of the firstborn of Egypt, opened the door for Moses to lead the people out into the desert.

The sacrificial lamb both hearkens back to the story of the sacrifice of Isaac and forward to Jesus' role as the sacrificial lamb of our salvation. Each time we see this image, we also see God renewing and cementing his covenant with His people. Sacrifice and promise are once again at the forefront of the history of Jesus, and the Christian people.

Today, recall a time you were saved or delivered from harm. Recall a time in which someone set their own needs aside in order to serve or help you. Say a prayer of thanksgiving.

Today's Focus: Israelites, Passover and Exodus
Symbol: Lamb
Scripture: Exodus 12:1 through 14:31

Yesterday's Focus: Moses, God's Leadership
Tomorrow's Focus: God and the Torah at Mount Sinai

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