Friday, December 17, 2010

Jesse Tree: 3rd Friday- Habakkuk, Waiting

Third Friday of Advent
Habakkuk, Waiting

Image credit: Carolyn Pikoulas and the Diocese of Erie
 The stone watchtower symbolizes Habakkuk today. The book of Habakkuk is a short one, and slightly difficult to ready, but one that carries an important message.

Habakkuk cries out to God, asking why He does not intervene against the enemies of judah, as well as against the evil people from Judah. Habakkuk is especially distraught over the destruction the Chaldea has brought. God answers Habakkuk as he answered Jeremiah, Isaiah, and Elijah: the people are being punished for their wrong doing. The twist in Habakkuk is that the people are not just being punished for idol worship, but also the destruction and harm they have visited on other nations. God includes all of creation in this explanation, even citing the destruction of the forests in Lebanon as a reason for His anger. We see in this book destruction and violence against people and against creation as sinful. God tells Habakkuk that it is the job of just and righteous people to keep their faith in God through the trials they are facing, and they will weather the storm against their enemies, eventually returning to the Promised Land.

Today, with one week left until Christmas, focus on waiting prayerfully and faithfully. Make every preparation a gift of prayer. Pray for the recipients of gifts as you wrap them, pray for the hungry as you prepare food. Make your Advent waiting a gift of love.

Today's Focus: Habakkuk, Waiting
Symbol: Stone Watchtower
Scripture: Hab 1:1-2:1, 3:16-19

Yesterday's Focus: Jeremiah, The Exile
Tomorrow's Focus: Nehemiah, Return and Rebuilding

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