Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Patron Saint of the Day- Martin de Porres

November 3rd
St. Martin de Porres

St. Martin de Porres was born in Lima, Peru in 1579. His mother was a former slave from Panama, his father from Spain. St. Martin's greatest desire was to be a missionary and martyr, initially he was not even allowed to be a full friar, due to the racial constraints of his order. Martin joined the Dominicans as a servant at the age of fifteen and performed many tasks at the Dominican friary in Lima. He cared for animals, the sick, and orphans. He did farm labor and his work there as a barber is why he has been named the patron saint of barbers.

Martin fasted and did penance constantly. He could fly, bi-locate, and pass through locked doors to heal the sick. Eventually his piety and miracles surrounding him convinced the friars to make him a full Dominican brother, in spite of his skin color. At one point when his friary was in debt, Martin urged them to sell him as a slave to earn the money they needed. They did not. 

From Wikipedia: "One day an aged beggar, covered with ulcers and almost naked, stretched out his hand, and Saint Martin, seeing the Divine Mendicant in him, took him to his own bed. One of his brethren reproved him. Saint Martin replied: “Compassion, my dear Brother, is preferable to cleanliness."

St. Martin De Porres Prayer From
Who has given us
In Your humble Son,
Our Lord Jesus Christ,
The model of all virtue
And perfection,
Grant to us
The virtue of humility.

We think so little of You
Because we are
So full of ourselves.

We cannot love You more
Until humility shows us
Our own nothingness
And makes us rejoice
In our complete
Dependence upon You.

You have given to the world
a glorious apostle of humility:

Guide us by his example
And strengthen
Us through his intercession
In our efforts
To conform our hearts
To the humble Heart
Of Your crucified Son.

May the glory of sainthood
Which you have
Deigned to bestow
Upon Brother Martin
Draw the world closer
And closer to You.

Renew, O Lord, in these days
When pride and forgetfulness
Of You are so widespread,
The wonders which You performed
Through Your humble servant
During his lifetime.

Through the same Christ Our Lord.


Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be (3 times each.)

You can order the icon pictured above, and other icons of the saints at Reilly's. 
Call 1-800-635-5190  for information.

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