Tuesday, November 2, 2010

All Souls' Day

November 2nd
All Souls' Day
November 2nd is the Feast of All Souls, or All Souls' Day. While on All Saints' Day we remember those who have gone before and are in Heaven, on All Souls' Day we pray for and remember the departed who are in Purgatory. These are souls who died in God's good graces, but may need to be purified of lesser faults and the temporal effects of venial sin.

All Souls' Day is a time to visit the graves of those who have died. Many people tidy up around the sites, or bring flowers, similar to the remembrances on Veteran's Day. Because this is a day to pray for those who are undergoing purification for their sins while in Purgatory, there are many prayers that can be said for those we love and have lost.

In Mexico, the Day of the Dead for adults is also celebrated today. While the two days are similar and somewhat connected, there are many differences as well. For more information, visit these sites:

The Day of the Dead at Wikipedia
An explanation of Purgatory from The Catholic Encyclopedia
Prayers for All Souls' Day from Churchyear.net

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