Tuesday, May 31, 2011

June New Releases

New Books

The Gospel Way of Mary

The author takes us on a journey through Scripture of key events in the life of Mary. With keen & profound insight, he helps us see these familiar passages as a journey of trust & surrender not only for Mary but for us as well.

The Living Mass: Changes to the Roman Missal & How We Worship

By looking at the changes being made in the new translation of the Roman missal, this book will help the reader understand why our liturgy continues to be both a new tradition & a living tradition.

Life, Death, & Catholic Medical Choices

Revs. Black & O'Neil bring professional training in Catholic ethics into dialogue with questions that people in the pews must face. Using precise language, they help us understand the core values of respect for life & human dignity that are the heart of moral analysis & pastoral theological reflection.

Rezando En Colores (Praying in Color - Spanish Edition)

Praying in Color has forever changed the way thousands of people pray. Drawing is half the prayer; the other half is transporting the visual memories or actual physical images with you to pray throughout the day.

 New CDs

Resting in God’s Love

Instrumental Hymns of Meditation & Peace by Rupert Parker
You will relax & meditate to the sounds of the Electric Harp, Keyboards & Percussion.

Golden Rose: Lady of Knock

New DVDs

Changing Sides: How a Pro-life Presence Changed the Heart of a Planned Parenthood Director

This film tells the powerful true story of the conversion of a dedicated Planned Parenthood director to a leading Pro-life Activist. Abby Johnson was the director of the abortion facility that was the launching pad of the bold new pro-life effort - 40 Days for Life.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Heaven Is For Real- Summer Reading Book Review

Looking for a good read this summer? Reilly's will be reviewing a book a week, giving you the low-down on our new releases.

Our first selection has been receiving lots of national attention. Heaven is For Real is the story of a little boy, Colton Burpo, who changed his family's understanding of heaven after a near-tragedy. At the age of four, Colton nearly died from a burst appendix. Heaven is For Real tells of Colton's trip to heaven, and the messages and people he met there. 

Filled with scriptural accounts of heaven, as well as the emotional impact this little boy's experience had on his community, Heaven Is For Real is a feel-good, easy read. Pastor Todd Burpo's writing is light and home-spun, more like a conversation over lunch than a traditional novel. Without getting bogged down in theology, Burpo touches on the effect that his son's vision of heaven had on his ministry, without preaching to the reader. The family's awe and belief in what their son shared with them over the years following his illness is apparent on every page. Heaven is For Real is the Burpos' chance to share their excitement over their son's trip to heaven with the world. 

If you are looking for a short and sweet ray of sunshine, give Heaven is For Real a try.  

Monday, May 2, 2011

New Releases- May

The Commandments We Keep

With simplicity & clarity, The Commandments We Keep unpacks each of the 10 Commandments using a 3-pronged approach: discover how the it was understood in the Old Testament, understand how Christ fulfilled it in his life & teaching, & examine the personal & practical implications of each for life today

Principled Ministry

More than a “how-to” leadership guide, it offers real-life examples of principled ministers who are serving the Catholic Church & invites readers to incorporate these disciplines into their own leadership style.

Revelations of Divine Love

Julian Of Norwich’s work is dense, deeply intuitive, & theologically complex. This translation liber­ates Julian & her inspired insights from the linguistic jungle & pre­sents her work in a style & format which breaks through not only to her deepest meanings, but to the character of the gentle woman herself.

At Home with God: A Complete Liturgical Guide for the Christian Home

By translating ancient rhythms of our Faith into accessible, easy-to-use tools, At Home w/ God helps families rediscover the vibrancy of our Faith in everyday life.

A Willing Heart
 In the spirit of gospel teaching on time, talent, & treasure, bestselling author Alborghetti weaves together wisdom, humor, personal stories & a series of attainable goals in this vision of Christian action that is at once a beautiful meditation on spiritual growth & a guide to discovering practical ways to serve.

Praying the Psalms w/ the Holy Fathers

There’s no part of the Bible that speaks to the human heart more deeply than the Psalms. These reflections will inspire you to praise God with your whole heart.

The Gift of Blessed John Paul II

Cardinal Wuerl explores the spiritual & pastoral wealth of John Paul’s writings as found in his encyclicals & apostolic exhortations. The Cardinal unfolds these treasures for us, presenting not only Blessed John Paul’s teachings, but also suggesting how we can apply them in our lives as we face the challenges of being a disciple of Christ in the world today.

Praying with Blessed John Paul II

Readers will be inspired by his life & spirituality as they learn to pray as he did. Each of the fifteen meditations relates biographical details about the pope along with selections from his writings or speeches.

The Appalling Strangeness of the Mercy of God

This book is the powerful story of an amazing woman, Ruth Pakaluk, who converted to Catholicism at Harvard, married her college sweetheart & joyfully welcomed 7 children. She became a renowned pro-life leader & brilliant debater, who was struck with breast cancer & died at the young age of 41. 

Faith Of My Heart CD

Sacred Choral music of Frank Liszt